Religious Sense of Superiority and Its Impact on Islam

RELIGION has long been a source of identity, guidance, and moral framework for societies. However, when a sense of superiority over others accompanies religious beliefs, they can lead to divisions, conflicts, and misunderstandings. This phenomenon is not unique to any faith but has been observed across religious traditions. In the case of Islam, a religion that emphasizes humility, justice, and compassion, the dangers of religious arrogance can have profound consequences, affecting both internal unity and external perceptions.

Understanding Religious Superiority

Religious superiority is the belief that one’s faith is inherently better, more truthful, or divinely favored over others. While all religions contain elements that affirm their truth and guidance, the issue arises when this belief translates into intolerance, exclusion, and a sense of entitlement.

In Islam, faith (Iman) is based on sincere belief in Allah and His guidance. However, Islam does not advocate arrogance or self-righteousness. The Quran repeatedly warns against pride and arrogance, emphasizing that only Allah judges a person’s faith and righteousness.

“So do not claim yourselves to be pure; He is most knowing of who fears Him.” (Quran 53:32)

Despite such clear warnings, some individuals and groups develop a sense of religious superiority, leading to social and ideological problems.

Impact on the Muslim Community

Sectarianism and Division

One of the most visible consequences of religious superiority within Islam is sectarianism. The belief that one interpretation or school of thought is the only “true” Islam has led to divisions among Muslims. Historical conflicts between Sunni and Shia groups, as well as disputes among various schools of thought, have sometimes escalated into violence, weakening the unity that Islam encourages.

Exclusivism and Takfirism

Some individuals take religious superiority to an extreme by declaring others as non-Muslims (takfir). This dangerous mindset has fueled radical ideologies and justified acts of violence against fellow Muslims. Such extremism contradicts the principles of Islam, which teach inclusivity and brotherhood among believers.

Resistance to Intellectual Growth

When religious superiority turns into rigid dogmatism, it can hinder intellectual progress. Islam has a rich tradition of scholarship, critical thinking, and scientific exploration. However, some religious groups discourage questioning and debate, fearing it may challenge their authority. This attitude can stifle creativity, innovation, and the ability to engage with modern challenges.

Impact on Islam’s Global Perception

Misrepresentation of Islam

When religious superiority manifests as intolerance or extremism, it distorts the image of Islam. Non-Muslims may associate Islam with arrogance and rigidity rather than the values of peace, mercy, and justice that it truly upholds. This misrepresentation fuels Islamophobia and creates barriers to interfaith dialogue.

Strained Interfaith Relations

Islam encourages respectful dialogue with people of other faiths. However, if Muslims approach interfaith interactions with a superiority complex, it can hinder meaningful conversations and mutual understanding. The Quran commands believers to engage with wisdom and kindness:

“Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best.” (Quran 16:125)

A condescending attitude can alienate potential allies and reinforce negative stereotypes about Islam and its followers.

The Islamic Solution: Humility and Tolerance

Islam provides clear guidance on how to avoid the dangers of religious arrogance. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was a model of humility, even as the leader of a growing Muslim nation. He treated people with kindness, regardless of faith, and never displayed arrogance.

Emphasizing Humility

The Quran and Hadith repeatedly stress the importance of humility. A true believer does not look down upon others but instead strives for self-improvement and moral integrity.

“And do not walk upon the earth exultantly. Indeed, you will never tear the earth [apart], and you will never reach the mountains in height.” (Quran 17:37)

Focusing on Common Humanity

Islam acknowledges the diversity of human beliefs and encourages peaceful coexistence. The Quran states:

“To you is your religion, and to me is my religion.” (Quran 109:6)

This verse highlights mutual respect and acceptance, essential for a harmonious society.

Encouraging Critical Thinking

Islam promotes reasoning and knowledge-seeking. Blindly following religious leaders without understanding the core teachings of Islam can lead to extremism. The Quran repeatedly urges believers to reflect and seek knowledge.

Religious superiority, when taken to extremes, can have harmful consequences for both the Muslim community and Islam’s global perception. Islam teaches humility, respect, and compassion, and Muslims must embody these values in their interactions. By focusing on unity, intellectual growth, and interfaith dialogue, Muslims can counteract the negative effects of religious arrogance and present Islam in its true light—a religion of peace, wisdom, and justice.

—Syed Faizur Rahman Faizi is a banker based in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

अलिग सीनियर्स और शिक्षकों के नाम एक जूनियर का खुला ख़त:

आदाब (90 डिग्री), जनाब।

मुसलमानो में दोहरे मापदंड की ऐसी स्थिति बन चुकी है जिससे उच्च शिक्षा प्राप्त से लेकर अंगूठा छाप तक ग्रस्त और लोग उनसे त्रस्त हैं। ‘दलाल’ का सर्टिफिकेट तो हम पहले से छपा कर रखते हैं, बस उसपर नामVictoria Gate, AMU भर भरना रहता है। अब ये स्क्रीन शॉट ही देखिए, ज़फर सरेशवाला कोई है, उसपर हमारे सीनियर हज़रत की प्रतिक्रिया। इसके ठीक विपरीत अपने ही इदारे के जिम्मेदारों द्वारा हो रहे भरष्टाचार, धांधली पर कभी किसी ‘तथाकथित और सर्वमान्य सीनियर’ हज़रत की तरफ से कोई आपत्ति या प्रतिक्रिया आम तौर पर नहीं आती। जनाब, पूरी दुनिया सरेशवाला के कृत्य और विचार से अवगत है, आप दुनिया को उससे अवगत क्यों नहीं कराते जिसकी ज़िम्मेवारी सर सय्यद ने आपके हवाले की थी और क़ौम-ओ- मिल्लत की रहनुमाँ के तौर पर सींचने के लिए अपने जीवनकाल में ‘इख्वानुन्नफसा’ की स्थापना की थी। सय्यद ने ‘असबाब बग़ावत-ए-हिन्द’ लिख कर अंग्रेजों के मुंह पर वो तमाचा जड़ा की अँगरेज़ बिलबिला कर रह गए लेकिन सर सय्यद के किरदार और क़लम को नकार नहीं सके। वो आपका/हमारा किरदार दुनिया को क्यों नहीं परोसते। हमारी कमज़ोर आवाज़ दुनिया के खिलाफ उठती भी है तो अमुवि प्रशासन की धांधलियों के खिलाफ क्यों नहीं उठती। इसके विपरीत ‘दायें और बाएं महाज़’ पर हमारा प्रहार इतना ज़बरदस्त क्यों होता है। अमुवि आज एक ऐसे मोड़ पर खड़ा है जहाँ से शायद सबकुछ बदल जाये, इस बदलाव की ज़िम्मेदारी मेरी, आपकी और पुरे मिल्लत इस्लामिया पर जायेगी। अपने आपको भी ज़िम्मेवार मानते हुए मैं कुछ सवाल अपने सीनियर और अमुवि के शिक्षकों से करना चाहता हूँ और मैं चहुंगा की वो भी मुझसे पूछें: Continue reading “अलिग सीनियर्स और शिक्षकों के नाम एक जूनियर का खुला ख़त:”

Joint Shia-Sunni Namaz in Lucknow

Joint namaz at SibtainabadThe Shoulder to Shoulder movement which started in Delhi has now reached Lucknow. A joint Shia-Sunni Eid-ul-Zuha namaz was offered at Imambada Sibtainabad in the city today. The event has been creating a buzz on the social media during the last few weeks.

The prayer was led by a Sunni Imam, Maulana Shehzad, and the participants included Shia cleric Maulana Kalbe Sadiq.

It’s a welcome change from the regular dividing news coming out of the Muslim community. Let’s hope we see more of this peaceful efforts.

Eid mubarak to all!


Muslims should learn to respect each other

No one has a right to declare that Shiism or Sunnism is false and heretical.

One of the major differences between Shia and Sunni traditions is about the role of leadership. When Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was returning from his last pilgrimage, he gathered the caravan at an oasis called Ghadir Khumm and delivered a revelation, that as of this day he has delivered the complete guidance from God, the message of Islam is complete now.

That message was and is crystal clear; there is no misunderstanding about it. There is no more advisement from God, and nothing more needed to added to the religion, it’s done. However, the tag part of that message was understood in two different ways. Continue reading “Muslims should learn to respect each other”

Let’s be just Muslims Again

Three news items caught my attention recently: A suicide bombing in Afghanistan killed 89 people, blowing of religious places by ISIS in Iraq and a letter by a prominent cleric in India to the ISIS chief. All three incidents involved Muslims!

This is the state we are in today as a community. Even during the holy month of Ramadan we’ve not given peace a chance.

While nobody claimed the bombing in Afghanistan, it’s mostly Taliban behind such attacks in the country. Which Muslim would do that in such a month! If it’s indeed Taliban then they have further alienated themselves. This has been a trend of sorts during the last few years in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Continue reading “Let’s be just Muslims Again”